爱情里我的城池营垒可能我们大多数时候只是感动了自己而现实往往不堪一击用了45年到达的真相令人无力而绝望重温婚礼时的舞曲竟好像最后一根稻草镜头结束在女主决绝地抽出了被丈夫握住的手Go nowwe’ve already said goodbye!
Billy Wilder+Raymond Chandler驾驭的开篇即揭示谋杀的倒叙独白Phyllis与Neff客厅对峙戏很精彩'I love you, too' 最终的点烟镜头经典据说有深意|How could I have known that murder could sometimes smell like honeysuckle?|| They may think it's twice as safe because there's two of them, but it isn't twice as safe. It's ten times twice as dangerous. ..And it's not like taking a trolley ride together where they can get off at different stops. They're stuck with each other and they got to ride all the way to the end of the line and it's a one-way trip and the last stop is the cemetery.